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To: lightwave@webcom.com
Subject: RE-PAR or NOT PAR (Thomas Healy
From: robert.cohen@njland.com (ROBERT COHEN)
Message-Id: <8AB6431.01F40006A2.uuout@njland.com>
Date: Fri, 16 Jun 95 17:53:00 -0500
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Hi Thomas,
I had my Video Toaster/Lightwave combo for three and one half years
before being fortunate enough to afford the PAR. If you have the
fastest rendering machine you can afford, but no practical / affordable
means of getting your work to video...Then what's the point? I find
that situation most frustrating, personally. So.... I would strongly
suggest that if you can swing the bucks, go for the PAR. I don't think
you will regret it. As far the as the quality of the PC PAR over the
Amiga (I own Amiga), I have read multiple posts suggesting that the PC
is just as good (if not better) than the Amiga version.
Good luck...
robert.cohen@njland.com (ROBERT COHEN) sent this message.
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